Every year comes to an end, and every blogger must provide their readership (no matter how miniscule) with a generalized sampling of the events that transpired over the past 12 months of their lives. OK, so here's mine.
JanuaryThe world lost a good man: R.I.P., Matt Mahoney.
Skin Like Iron's s/t 10" on 3 Maximum Rocknroll columnists' Top 10 of 2009 lists.
Humanity Is The Devil, San Francisco Graffiti Zine - Issue VII published.
FebruaryAccepted to CCA's Graphic Design program.
Skin Like Iron releases "All Human Failings" 12" on Free Cake Records.
MarchSkin Like Iron, Ceremony, Mind - weekend tour of California, Oregon & Washington.
AprilSkin Like Iron, Pulling Teeth, Lewd Acts, 108 - 10 day West Coast tour.
First time (ever) traveling out of the country. Vancouver is beautiful.
Virgin Witch writes and records two songs.
Stopped eating meat.
May50th Annual Corralitos Lumberjack Breakfast.
Saw a 12 year old Rod Blagojevich look alike.
JuneMy little sister graduates from UCSC. Who finishes college in ONLY 4 years?
All of my grandparents visit.
Endless summer begins - scraping by on savings and freelance. No REAL job.
JulyHumanity Is The Devil, San Francisco Graffiti Zine - Issue VI & VIII published.
Skin Like Iron plays Sound & Fury Festival.
Mini-vacation in Santa Barbara.
AugustSkin Like Iron plays Maximum Rocknroll's "San Francisco is Doomed" Fest.
Endless summer ends. First time with no job or school in 12 years.
SeptemberFirst semester of CCA begins.
Roommate of over a year moves out.
OctoberSkin Like Iron, Streetwalkers southern California tour.
Subletter moves in.
First taste of Sightglass coffee. This is a huge development in my life.
Trip to Halfmoon Bay Pumpkin Patch w/ Mike & Katie.
NovemberKristin moves back in.
DecemberFinished first semester at CCA with 3.25 GPA.
Survived another year, turned 28.
Humanity Is The Devil, San Francisco Graffiti Zine - Issue X published
"All Human Failings" included on two Maximum Rocknroll columnists' Top 10 of the Decade lists.