Tonight I popped into Needles & Pens for a photo exhibit featuring the photographs of Chrissy Piper. The photos on display also appear in issue #3 of her on-going series, Three Records. The photos were great, and these zines provide some really great insight into the records which inspire fellow punks. The personal stories and anecdotes are fantastic.

I got a call from a friend today, and I didn't get around to listening to his voicemail until just now. We've been working on updating our online zine store, and he just wanted to set up a time that we could get some work done. He also let me know that the first issue of my graffiti zine (Humanity Is The Devil) has been included in Bloodwars Magazine, Issue #28. Bloodwars is a long running, Bay Area based graffiti zine that has recently begun reprinting zines that they deem "classic". I'm glad for the recognition. Thank you, Bloodwars!

On a final note about zines – On Thursday night, I spoke with Layla at MRR, and I'm going to start helping out with layouts. I love reading Maximum Rocknroll every month, and getting the chance to help produce this great magazine is pretty exciting!

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